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Sigma API Specification
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gatherPredVars(Formula) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.PredVarInst
Collect and return all predicate variables for the given formula
gatherRelationConstants() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns a HashSet of all atomic KIF Relation constants that occur as Predicates or Functions (argument 0 terms) in this Formula.
gatherRelationsWithArgTypes(KB) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns a HashMap in which the keys are the Relation constants gathered from this Formula, and the values are ArrayLists in which the ordinal positions 0 - n are occupied by the names of the corresponding argument types.
genAllParentList(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.EditGUI
Get the all parent classes of term.
genClassList(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.EditGUI
Collect a set of relations in which the type of given term is an argument subclass, and collect the set of possible argument fillers.
genClassPage(KB, String, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.EditGUI
Generate a set of menus comprising relations that apply to this class i.e.
generateDB(KB) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Generate an SQL database from the knowledge base Tables must be defined as instances of &%DatabaseTable and must have &%localDocumentation and &%HasDatabaseColumn relations.
generateDurationSumoTerms(IndexedWord, Utilities, DateInfo, DateInfo) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DatesAndDuration
generateDynamicTOCHeader(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Generate an alphabetic HTML list that points to the individual index pages (which collect all terms starting with a particular letter.
generateHTML(KB, String, boolean, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Generate simplified HTML pages for all terms.
generateHtmlDocStart(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a String of HTML markup for the start of a document, using title as the document title String.
generateHtmlFooter(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a String of HTML markup encoding the footer section of an HTML document, and using footerText as the text to be displayed at the bottom of the page.
generateHTMLPages(KB, TreeMap, String, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
generateNounSynsetID() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Generate a new noun synset ID that doesn't have an existing hash
generateOMWOWLformat(KB) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.OMWordnet
generateRelationList() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.KButilities
Note this simply assumes that initial lower case terms are relations.
generateSingleHTML(KB, String, TreeMap, String, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Generate a single HTML page showing all terms.
generateSingleHTML(KB, String, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
generateSUMOColumns(Hotel, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
generateSumoDateTerms(Utilities, List<Tokens>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DatesAndDuration
generateSUMOHeader(ArrayList<Hotel>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
Collect all possible column names and assign them a number, then sort on that frequency.
generateSumoTerms(List<Tokens>, StanfordDateTimeExtractor, ClauseSubstitutor) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateAndNumbersGeneration
* Categorizes the input into Date, Number, Duration and Time.
generateTocHeader(KB, TreeMap, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Generate an alphabetic HTML list that points to the individual index pages (which collect all terms or term formats) starting with a particular letter.
generateTOCPage(KB, String, TreeMap, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Generate an HTML page that lists term name and its documentation
generateTPTPTestAssertions() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.KButilities
generateVerbSynsetID() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Generate a new noun synset ID that doesn't have an existing hash
GENERIC_CLAUSE_SPLITTER - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.substitutor.SubstitutionUtil
genImmedParentList(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.EditGUI
Get the just the immediate parent classes of a term
genInstList(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.EditGUI
Collect a set of relations in which the type of given term is an argument instance type, and collect the set of possible argument fillers.
genInstPage(KB, String, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.EditGUI
Generate fields for an HTML form that allow a user to assert statements by using menus to set parameters that are arguments to relations.
genRelPage(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.EditGUI
geocode(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Call Google's geocode API to convert an address string into a lat/lon, which is returned as an ArrayList of two String elements containing a real-number format latitude and longitude.
geocodeCount - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
geocodeLimit - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
get1RequiredFormulas(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SInE
Returns formulas that are directly required by given symbols (in the sense of requirements map).
getAllInstances(TreeSet<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method retrieves all instances of the classes named in the input set.
getAllInstances(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method retrieves all instances of the class named in the input String.
getAllNamespaceDelimiters() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns an ArrayList of namespace delimiter Strings gathered from all loaded KBs, obtained by collecting statements formed with the predicate docGenNamespaceDelimiter.
getAllNonRelTerms(KB, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.HTMLformatter
getAllRelTerms(KB, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.HTMLformatter
getAllRest() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
getAllSuperClasses(Set<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method retrieves the upward transitive closure of all Class names contained in the input set.
getAlphaAfter(String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Get the alphabetically num higher neighbor of this initial term, which must exist in the current KB otherwise an empty string is returned.
getAlphaBefore(String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Get the alphabetically num lower neighbor of this initial term, which must exist in the current KB otherwise an empty string is returned.
getAlphaList(KB) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getArg(int, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DependencyConverter
getArgType(String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns the type (SUO-KIF SetOrClass name) for any argument in argPos position of an assertion formed with the SUO-KIF Relation reln.
getArgTypeClass(String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns the type (SUO-KIF SetOrClass name) for any argument in argPos position of an assertion formed with the SUO-KIF Relation reln.
getArgument(int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Return the numbered argument of the given formula.
getArticle(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.NLGUtils
Generate a linguistic article appropriate to how many times in a paraphrase a particular type has already occurred.
getAssociatedWord(Utilities, IndexedWord) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DatesAndDuration
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SimpleElement
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.User
getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SimpleElement
getBareSUMOTerm(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNetUtilities
Get a SUMO term minus its &% prefix and one character mapping suffix.
getBestDefaultSense(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WSD
Get the POS-prefixed synset that represents the best guess at meaning for a word.
getBestDefaultSense(String, int) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WSD
Get the POS-prefixed synset that represents the best guess at meaning for a word with a given part of speech.
getBestDefaultSUMO(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WSD
Get the SUMO term that represents the best guess at meaning for a word.
getBestDefaultSUMOsense(String, int) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WSD
Get the SUMO term that represents the best guess at meaning for a word.
getCaseRole(Collection<String>) - Static method in enum com.articulate.sigma.nlg.CaseRole
From the input list, return the first string that is a valid case role.
getCaseRolesForGrammarPosition(String, SVOElement.SVOGrammarPosition) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SVOGrammar
Return the case roles most appropriate for a given grammar role and a verb.
getCaseRolesForGrammarRole(String, SVOElement.SVOGrammarPosition) - Method in interface com.articulate.sigma.nlg.VerbProperties
Return a list of case roles for the given verb and the given grammar role.
getCaseRolesForGrammarRole(String, SVOElement.SVOGrammarPosition) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.VerbPropertiesSimpleImpl
Return a list of case roles for the given verb and the given grammar role.
getCharBegin() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getCharEnd() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getCharset() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Returns a String denoting a character encoding scheme.
getChildByFirstTag(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SimpleElement
getChildClasses(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBcache
return child classes for the given cl from subclass expressions.
getChildElements() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SimpleElement
getClauses() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns a List of List objects.
getClientOntologyNames() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of the names of all client ontologies currently represented in any loaded KB.
getClosestXmlDataType(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getCNFInput(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.Interpreter
Method (mainly for testing) to get list of CNFs from input sentence.
getCodedIdentifiers(KB) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Collects and returns the Set containing all known coded identifiers in kb, including ISO code values stated to be such.
getCompiledPattern(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method returns a compiled regular expression Pattern object indexed by key.
getConsumedCaseRoles() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SVOElement
getContainingComposites(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Travels up the HasXmlElement and HasXmlAttribute relation hierarchies to collect all parents, and returns them in an ArrayList.
getContents(File) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Fetch the entire contents of a text file, and return it in a String.
getContextualDocumentation(KB, String, List) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the first documentation String obtained for term in kb, using the List of namespaces or other contextualizing terms in contexts.
getControlBitValue(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getControlTokens() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getCountAxioms() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Count the number of formulas in the knowledge base in order to present statistics to the user.
getCountRelations() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Count the number of relations in the knowledge base in order to present statistics to the user.
getCountRules() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Count the number of rules in the knowledge base in order to present statistics to the user.
getCountTerms() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Count the number of terms in the knowledge base in order to present statistics to the user.
getCurrProcessMap() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.LanguageFormatterStack
Return the Map for the top element of the stack.
getCurrStackElement() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.LanguageFormatterStack
Return the topmost stack element
getCurrStackFormulaArgs() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.LanguageFormatterStack
For the current stack element, iterate through the List and collect their translations into a single list.
getDatatypeTerms(KB, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getDateTime(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Returns a date/time string corresponding to pattern.
getDay() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
getDefaultImageFile() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the base filename plus filename suffix form of the logo image file to be referenced during HTML document generation, else returns an empty String if no value has been set.
getDefaultImageFileMarkup() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the base filename plus filename suffix form of the logo image file, wrapped in any additional markup required for the intended rendering of the image.
getDefaultNamespace() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the String denoting the default namespace associated with this DocGen object.
getDefaultPredicateNamespace() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the String denoting the default namespace for predicates in the ontology associated with this DocGen object.
getDependencies(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DependencyConverter
Get the output of the Stanford Dependency Parser for the given input file.
getDependencies() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.StanfordDateTimeExtractor
getDependencyList() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.StanfordDateTimeExtractor
getDirectObject() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.Sentence
getDisplayFilter() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the DisplayFilter object associated with this DocGen object, or null if no DisplayFilter has been set.
getDocGen() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen.PresentationNameComparator
getDocGenControlBits() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the int value that represents the bit values used to guide aspects of the document generation process for this DocGen instance.
getDocGenKey() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the String key that is the index for this particular DocGen object.
getDocumentation(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
getDualOperator(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns the dual logical operator of op, or null if op is not an operator or has no dual.
getElement(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel.JSONElement
getElementValue(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel.JSONElement
getEndIndex() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
getEntityProperties() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.StackElement
Getter and setter for translated field.
getEntityTypes(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.EntityTypeParser
getError() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Get the error string for file loading.
getErrors() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
getFactory() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.SInE
getFactory() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Vampire
getFirstContainingClass(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a SUO-KIF constant that denotes the first containing Class of term obtained in kb.
getFirstDatatype(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getFirstGeneralTerm(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the first containing, subsuming, or superordinate entity that can be found for term in kb.
getFirstGeneralTerms(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of the first containing, subsuming, or superordinate entities found for term in kb.
getFirstHtmlFormatToken(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the first String token retrieved from ontology in kb that denotes an HTML output format.
getFirstInstances(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of the entities that are immediate instances of term in kb.
getFirstSpecificTerms(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of the first instances or syntactic subordinate entities that can be found for term in kb.
getFirstSubClasses(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List containing the immediate SUO-KIF subclasses of term in kb.
getFirstSubsumingTerm(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the first purely "subsuming" entity that can be found for term in kb, assuming that term denotes a Class or a Relation.
getFirstTermFormat(KB, String, List) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a String that is the first termFormat value obtained for term in kb, else returns null if no termFormat value exists.
getFirstTermViaAskWithRestriction(int, String, int, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns the first term found that corresponds to targetArgnum in the Formulas obtained from the method call askWithRestriction(argnum1, term1, argnum2, term2).
getFirstTermViaAWTR(int, String, int, String, int, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns the first SUO-KIF terms that matches the request, or null.
getFirstTermViaPredicateSubsumption(String, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns the first SUO-KIF constant found via asks using relation and its subrelations.
getFoodWordSenses(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
getFooterText() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the String that will be used as the footer text for HTML document generation, else returns an empty String if no footer text value has been set.
getFormatMap(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method creates an association list (Map) of the natural language format string and the relation name for which that format string applies.
getFormulaArg(List<StackElement.FormulaArg>, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.LanguageFormatterStack
Read the given list of FormulaArgs for a given argument.
getFormulaByKey(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
An accessor providing a Formula
getFormulas() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
An accessor providing a TreeSet of un-preProcessed String representations of Formulae.
getFullNamedEntities(CoreMap) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlp.pipeline.SentenceUtil
getGrouped(String) - Method in interface com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.substitutor.ClauseSubstitutor
getGrouped(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.substitutor.SimpleSubstitutorStorage
getGrouped(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.substitutor.SubstitutorsUnion
getHour() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.TimeInfo
getId() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getIndirectObjects() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.Sentence
getInferenceBitValue() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Returns an int value, the bitwise interpretation of which indicates the current configuration of inference parameter (preference) settings.
getInferenceType(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.TPTP3ProofProcessor
getInhibitDisplayRelations() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a Set containing the names of those predicates for which diplay should be suppressed, and tries to create the Set from docGenInhibitDisplayRelations statements found in the current KB if the Set does not already exist.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getInstance(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getInstance() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.PasswordService
getInstancesForType(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBcache
Get all instances for the given input class For example, given the class "Nation", getInstancesForType(Nation) returns all instances, like "America", "Austria", "Albania", etc.
getIsComputed() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Should return false if this Formula occurs in and was loaded from sourceFile.
getJaroWinklerDistance(String, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Mapping
Jaro-Winkler Mapping Method implemented by Gerard de Melo
getKB() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getKB() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen.PresentationNameComparator
getKB(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Get the KB that has the given name.
getKBName() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.CCheck
getKBnames() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Get the Set of KB names in this manager.
getKeywordMap() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.NLGUtils
Return a defensive copy of the keyword map.
getKifNamespaceDelimiter() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getKifNamespaceDelimiter() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Returns the string used in SUO-KIF to separate a namespace prefix from the term it qualifies.
getLemma() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getLevenshteinDistance(String, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Mapping
LevenshteinDistance(char s[1..m], char t[1..n]) courtesy of Wikipedia int LevenshteinDistance(char s[1..m], char t[1..n])
getLineSeparator() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getLineSeparator() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns the platform-specific line separator String
getLineSeparator() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Returns the default line separator token for the current runtime platform.
getLoadFormatMapsAttempted() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
getLocalReferenceBaseName() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
getMatches(String, String, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method finds regular expression matches in an input string using a compiled Pattern and binding group index retrieved with patternKey.
getMatches(String, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method finds regular expression matches in an input string using a compiled Pattern and binding group index retrieved with patternKey, and returns the results, if any, in an ArrayList.
getMeasureTerms(Utilities) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateAndNumbersGeneration
* Returns the measure terms added in the sumo list
getMgr() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Get the one instance of KBmanager from its class variable.
getMinute() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.TimeInfo
getMonth() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
getMostRelevantType(KB, HashSet<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.FormulaPreprocessor
Get the most specific type for variables.
getNamespaceDelimiters(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of all Strings used as namespace delimiters in terms defined or referred to in ontology, as specified by statements formed with the SUO-KIF predicate docGenNamespaceDelimiter.
getNamespacePrefix(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the namespace prefix of term based on the namespaces known in kb, else returns the empty String if term appears to have no namespace prefix.
getNamespacePrefixes() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns an ArrayList of all known namespace prefixes sorted by length, from longest to shortest.
getNamespaces() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of all SUO-KIF terms that denote namespaces in any loaded KB, obtained by gathering statements formed with the predicates inNamespace and ontologyNamespace as well as explicit instance statements.
getNamespaces(KB, String, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of all SUO-KIF terms denoting namespaces in kb or in ontology, using the predicates inNamespace and ontologyNamespace.
getNearestContainingClass(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the first containing Class that can be found for term in kb.
getNearestNonRelations(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Get the neighbors of this initial lowercase term (relation).
getNearestRelations(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Get the neighbors of this initial uppercase term (class or function).
getNer() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getNewInstance(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.SInE
getNewInstance(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Vampire
This static factory method returns a new Vampire instance.
getNewInstanceWithFormulas(Iterable) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Vampire
getNormalizedNer() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getNumber(int) - Static method in enum com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SVOElement.NUMBER
Given a count, return singular or plural.
getOldInferenceBitValue() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Returns the last cached inference bit value setting.
getOntology() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a term denoting the default Ontology for this DocGen object if an Ontology has been set, and tries very hard to find a relevant Ontology if one has not been set.
getOntology(KB) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a term denoting the default Ontology for this DocGen object if an Ontology has been set, and tries very hard to find a relevant Ontology if one has not been set.
getOntologyNamespaces(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of all SUO-KIF terms denoting those namespaces containing terms that are defined in, or occur in, statements in ontology.
getOriginalVar(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Clausifier
This method finds the original variable that corresponds to a new variable.
getOutputDirectoryPath() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the canonical pathname String of the current directory in which output files will be (are being) saved.
getOutputFormatTokens(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of String tokens that determine how the output should be formatted.
getOutputParentDir() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a File object representing the directory in which the subdirectories for the various types of output files will be located.
getParentClasses(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBcache
return parent classes for the given cl from subclass expressions.
getParentClassesOfInstance(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBcache
return classes for the given instance cl.
getParseMode() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KIF
public String getFilename() { return this.filename; } /** *************************************************************** public void setFilename(String canonicalPath) { this.filename = canonicalPath; return; } /** ***************************************************************
getPassword() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.User
getPatternGroupIndex(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method returns the int value that identifies the regular expression binding group to be returned when there is a match.
getPermutations(int, BiPredicate<Integer, Integer>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.FormulaUtil
getPolarity() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.LanguageFormatterStack
Getter and setter for polarity field.
getPolarity() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcessCollector
Getter and setter for polarity field.
getPos() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getPOSfromKey(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNetUtilities
Extract the POS from a word_POS_num sense key.
getPredicates(KB, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Collects and returns a List of all Predicates in kb.
getPref(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Get the preference corresponding to the given kef.
getPrepositionForCaseRole(String, CaseRole) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.Preposition
getPrepositionForCaseRole(String, CaseRole) - Method in interface com.articulate.sigma.nlg.VerbProperties
Return a list of prepositions for the given verb and the given case role.
getPrepositionForCaseRole(String, CaseRole) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.VerbPropertiesSimpleImpl
Return a list of prepositions for the given verb and the given case role.
getPrevStackElement() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.LanguageFormatterStack
Return the stack element that is second from the top
getProjects() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.User
getProperFormOfEntity(String, KB) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcessCollector
Retain capitalization of names and reified instances by lower-casing if the entity is an Entity.
getRangeValueList(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns an ArrayList of Strings extracted from the range argument (arg2) of the first retrieved statement formed with predicate.
getRelationsByKB() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getREMatch(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Takes a term (interpreted as a Regular Expression) and returns an ArrayList containing every term in the KB that has a match with the RE.
getRequiredFormulas(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SInE
Returns formulas that are transitively required by given symbols (in the sense of requirements map).
getRequiredSymbols(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SInE
Returns all symbols transitively required by given symbols (in the sense of requirements map).
getRole() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.User
getRolesAndEntities() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcessCollector
Get all the roles and their entities for this event.
getRootWord(int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Utilities
getRowVarMaxAritiesWithOtherArgs(HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>, KB, Formula) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.RowVars
given in @param ar which is a list for each variable of all the predicates in which it appears as an argument, find the maximum arity allowed by predicate arities, as given by
getSafeNamespaceDelimiter() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getSafeNamespaceDelimiter() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Returns a "safe" alphanumeric ASCII string that can be substituted for the W3C or SUO-KIF string delimiting a namespace prefix from an unqualified term name.
getSecond() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.TimeInfo
getSensesFromWord(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Get all the synsets for a given word.
getSimplified() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns true if a termFormat value obtained for term will be displayed during HTML rendering rather than the term name itself.
getSingularPlural() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SVOElement
getSourceFile() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
getStringReplacement(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the String replacement for fromString, if one can be located, else just returns fromString.
getStringReplacementMap() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the Map to be used for HTML character entity to ASCII replacements, attempting to build it from docGenCodeMapTranslation statements found in the KB if the Map does not already exist.
getStyleSheet() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the base filename plus filename suffix form of the Cascading Style Sheet file to be referenced during HTML document generation, else returns an empty String if no value has been set.
getSubComponents(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List containing those terms that are immediate syntactic subordinates of term in kb.
getSubject() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.Sentence
getSubordinateAttributes(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List containing the subordinate XmlAttributes of kifTerm, else return an empty List.
getSubordinateElements(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List containing the subordinate XmlElements of kifTerm, else return an empty List.
getSubstringDistance(String, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Mapping
Substring Mapping Method: returns 1 if the two strings are identical, scores >1 if one string is a substring of the other, and Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is no substring match This approach is based on: John Li, "LOM: A Lexicon-based Ontology Mapping Tool", Proceedings of the Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS.'04), 2004.
getSumoClass() - Method in enum com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.EntityType
getSUMOMapping(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Get the SUMO mapping for a POS-prefixed synset
getSUMOMappingSuffix(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNetUtilities
Get a SUMO term mapping suffix.
getSumoProcess() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcessCollector
getSumoProcessMap() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.StackElement
getSUMOterm(String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Get the SUMO term for the given root form word and part of speech.
getSumoTerms(String, ClauseSubstitutor) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.InterpretNumerics
Returns a list of SU-KIF statements, each corresponding to a date/time/measure found in the input natural language string.
getSuperComponents(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List containing those terms that are immediate syntactic superiors or "containers" of term in kb.
getSurfaceForm() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcess
getSurfaceForm() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SVOElement
getSurfaceFormForNoun(String, KB) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcessEntityProperty
For a given property, combine it with the given noun into a natural-sounding expression.
getSymbols(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SInE
Returns all symbols occurring in given formula.
getSymbols(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SInE
getSyntacticCompositeTerms(KB, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getSyntacticExtensionTerms(KB, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getSyntacticSubordinateTerms(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns a List of the entities that are immediate syntactic subordinates of term in kb.
getSyntacticUnionTerms(KB, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getTagName() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SimpleElement
getTermFormat(KB, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Mapping
Get the termFormat label for a term.
getTermFormatMap(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method creates a dictionary (Map) of SUO-KIF term symbols -- the keys -- and a natural language string for each key that is the preferred name for the term -- the values -- in the context denoted by lang.
getTermNamespace(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getTermPresentationName(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getTermPresentationName(KB, String, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getTermPresentationName(KB, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getTerms() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns a SortedSet of Strings, which are all the terms in the KB.
getTermsViaAsk(int, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns an ArrayList containing the terms (Strings) that correspond to targetArgnum in the ground atomic Formulae in which knownArg is in the argument position knownArgnum.
getTermsViaAskWithRestriction(int, String, int, String, int, Set<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns an ArrayList containing the terms (Strings) that correspond to targetArgnum in the Formulas obtained from the method call askWithRestriction(argnum1, term1, argnum2, term2).
getTermsViaAskWithRestriction(int, String, int, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns an ArrayList containing the terms (Strings) that correspond to targetArgnum in the Formulas obtained from the method call askWithRestriction(argnum1, term1, argnum2, term2).
getTermsViaAWTR(int, String, int, String, int, String, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns an ArrayList containing the SUO-KIF terms that match the request.
getTermsViaPredicateSubsumption(String, int, String, int, boolean, Set) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns an ArrayList containing SUO-KIF constants, possibly retrieved via multiple asks that recursively use relation and all of its subrelations.
getTermsViaPredicateSubsumption(String, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns an ArrayList containing SUO-KIF constants, possibly retrieved via multiple asks that recursively use relation and all of its subrelations.
getText() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.SimpleElement
getTheClausalForm() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns a List of the clauses that together constitute the resolution form of this Formula.
getTheTptpFormulas() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns an ArrayList of the TPTP formulas (Strings) that together constitute the TPTP translation of theFormula.
getTimeCount() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
getTitleText() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the String that will be used as the title text for HTML document generation, else returns an empty String if no title text value has been set.
getTocHeader() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Returns the String header to be used in generated HTML files.
getTokenCount() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.StanfordDateTimeExtractor
getTokenType() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getTransitiveClosureViaPredicateSubsumption(String, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Returns an ArrayList containing the transitive closure of relation starting from idxTerm in position idxArgnum.
getTranslated() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.StackElement
Getter and setter for translated field.
getTranslation() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.StackElement
getUser(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.PasswordService
getUserFromNamePassword64(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.PasswordService
getUserInputs() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.Interpreter
getUsername() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.User
getUsersFileDirectory() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.PasswordService
getValence(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
This method tries to find or compute a valence for the input relation.
getVarMap() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Returns a map of the variable renames that occurred during the translation of this Formula into the clausal (resolution) form accessible via this.getClauses().
getVerb() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.Sentence
getVerb() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcess
getVerbRootForm(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.SumoProcess
Get the root of the given verb.
getW3cNamespaceDelimiter() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
getW3cNamespaceDelimiter() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Returns the string preferred by W3C to separate a namespace prefix from the term it qualifies.
getWeekDay() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
getWnFile(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Returns the WordNet File object corresponding to key.
getWord() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.Tokens
getWordFromKey(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNetUtilities
Extract the POS from a word_POS_num sense key
getWordIndex() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
getWordIndex() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.TimeInfo
getWordIndexes() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
getWordSenses(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
getWordsFromSynset(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
getWordsFromTerm(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Get the words and synsets corresponding to a SUMO term.
getYear() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.DateInfo
glosses - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.OMWordnet
Graph - Class in com.articulate.sigma
Handle operations for creating a graphical representation of partial ordering relations.
Graph() - Constructor for class com.articulate.sigma.Graph
groupClauses(ClauseSubstitutor, List<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.substitutor.SubstitutionUtil
groupNouns(List<String>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.substitutor.SubstitutionUtil
GT - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
GTET - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
guessGender(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
GZIP - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Base64
Specify that data should be gzip-compressed in second bit.
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