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Sigma API Specification
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R_PREF - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
randomString() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.ClientHttpRequest
read() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Base64.InputStream
Reads enough of the input stream to convert to/from Base64 and returns the next byte.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Base64.InputStream
Calls repeatedly until the end of stream is reached or len bytes are read.
read(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Read a String into the variable 'theFormula'.
read(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.OWLtranslator
Read OWL format.
readAmenities() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
readConfiguration(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Reads an XML configuration file from the directory configDirPath, and tries to find a configuration file elsewhere if configDirPath is null.
readCSVHotels(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
readDataInterchangeFormatFile(Reader) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Parse an input stream Reader from a Data Interchange Format (.dif) file into an ArrayList of ArrayLists.
readDataInterchangeFormatFile(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Parse and load a Data Interchange Format (.dif) file into an ArrayList of ArrayLists.
readFile(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KIF
Read a KIF file.
readFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlp.TFIDFUtil
This method reads in a text file, breaking it into single line documents Currently, sentences are not separated if they occur on the same line.
readFile(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.RuleSet
readFile(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.SimpleDOMParser
Read the full path of an XML file and returns the SimpleElement object that corresponds to its parsed format.
readFirstNames() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DependencyConverter
Read the FirstNames.cvs file into maleName and femaleNames
readJSONHotels(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
readKeywordMap(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.NLGUtils
Read a set of standard words and phrases in several languages.
readLines(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlp.TextFileUtil
************************************************************** This method reads in a text file, breaking it into single line documents Currently, sentences are not separated if they occur on the same line.
readOMWfiles() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.OMWordnet
Assumes a fixed set of files in the KBs directory.
readOXMLhotels(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
readSenseCount() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Read word sense frequencies into a HashMap of PriorityQueues containing AVPairs where the value is a word and the attribute (on which PriorityQueue is sorted) is an 8 digit String representation of an integer count.
readSenseIndex() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Note that WordNet forces all these words to lowercase in the files
readSentimentArray() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Fill out from a CSV file a map of word keys, and values broken down by POS, listing whether it's a positive or negative word interior hash map keys are type, POS, stemmed, polarity
readSpreadsheet(Reader, List<String>, boolean, char) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Parse the input from a Reader for a CSV file into an ArrayList of ArrayLists.
readSpreadsheet(String, List, boolean, char) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Parse a CSV file into an ArrayList of ArrayLists.
readSpreadsheet(String, List, boolean) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
readSpreadsheetFile(String, char, int, List<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Parses a file of delimited fields into an ArrayList of ArrayLists.
readStateAbbrevs() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
readStopConceptArray() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Fill out from a CSV file a set of concepts that should be ignored during content extraction
readStopWords() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
readWordCoFrequencies() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Return a HashMap of HashMaps where the key is a word sense of the form word_POS_num signifying the word, part of speech and number of the sense in WordNet.
readXMLHotels(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
Convert a particular XML markup into an array of hotels
RearDBtoKIF() - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
relation - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.TaxoModel
relations - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.KBcache
all the relations in the kb
relations - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Keys are POS-prefixed synsets, values are ArrayList(s) of AVPair(s) in which the attribute is a pointer type according to and the value is a POS-prefixed synset
relationsByKB - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
A Map in which each key is a KB name and the corresponding value is a List of the Predicates defined in the KB.
RELAXED_PARSE_MODE - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.KIF
A numeric constant denoting relaxed parse mode, in which fewer syntax constraints are enforced than in NORMAL_PARSE_MODE.
reload() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Reload all the KB constituents.
remove(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Remove the KB that has the given name.
removeBound() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.Clause
If literal is not marked "preserve" then remove it if bound and then reset the preserve flag.
removeBound() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.CNF
removeByPattern(List, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.SetUtil
Filters the List of Strings seq, removing all items that match the regular expression pattern regex.
removeCached(ArrayList<Formula>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.TaxoModel
Remove any cached formulas from a list.
removeDuplicates(ArrayList<ProofStep>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.ProofStep
Take an ArrayList of ProofSteps and renumber them consecutively starting at 1.
removeDuplicates(Collection) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.SetUtil
Removes duplicates from collection based on its natural comparator or equality operator.
removeEnclosingChar(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Removes n layers of balanced ASCII double-quote characters from each end of the String s, if any are present.
removeEnclosingCharPair(String, int, char, char) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Removes n layers of balanced characters from each end of the String s, if any are present.
removeEnclosingChars(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Removes n layers of balanced characters from each end of the String s, if any are present.
removeEnclosingQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Removes all balanced ASCII double-quote characters from each end of the String s, if any are present.
removeEscapedDoubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
removeEscapedEscapes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
removeHTML(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Remove HTML markup from a sentence.
removeInternalDoubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
removeKB(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KBmanager
Remove a knowledge base.
removeLinkableNamespacePrefixes(KB, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Removes namespace prefixes from all SUO-KIF terms to be hyperlinked in text.
removeNestedAnswerClause(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.ProofProcessor
Remove the $answer clause that eProver returns, including any surrounding connective.
removeProject(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.User
removePunctuation(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Remove punctuation and contractions from a sentence.
removeQuoteEscapes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
removeQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.OWLtranslator
Remove quotes around a string
removeStopWords(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
Remove stop words from a sentence.
removeSuperClasses(Set<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Remove from the given set any item which is a superclass of another item in the set.
removeTermPrefixes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNetUtilities
removeUnnecessary(ArrayList<ProofStep>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.ProofStep
created a new by qingqing remove unnecessary steps, which should not appear in proof Unnecessary steps could be: (1) conjectures; (2) Successful resolution theorem proving results in a contradiction;
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Clausifier
Replace term2 with term1
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Replace term2 with term1
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
Rename term2 as term1 throughout the knowledge base.
renameFileIfExists(File) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
If the file f already exists, this method returns a new File object with a unique name formed by appending an integer.
renameVariableArityRelations(KB, TreeMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
renameVariables(Formula) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Clausifier
convenience method
renameVariables(Formula, Map, Map, Map) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.Clausifier
convenience method
replaceDateTime(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
If the input String contains the sequence {date}pattern{date}, replaces the first occurrence of this sequence with a UTC date/time string formatted according to pattern.
replaceNonAsciiChars(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
replaceNonIdChars(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Replace any character that isn't a valid KIF identifier character with a lower-case x.
replaceQuantifierVars(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
replaceRepeatedDoubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
replaceUnsafeNamespaceDelimiters(String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.StringUtil
Replaces non-alphanumeric namespace delimiters in input with an alphanumeric form that can be handled by Vampire and other provers.
replaceVar(String, String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
Replace v with term.
resetFlags() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.datesandnumber.FlagUtilities
resetSyntax() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.StreamTokenizer_s
Resets this tokenizer's syntax table so that all characters are "ordinary." See the ordinaryChar method for more information on a character being ordinary.
resolveFormatSpecifiers(String, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlg.NLGUtils
Resolve the "format specifiers" in the given printf type of statement.
resortKbTerms(KB) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DocGen
Rebuilds the TreeSet containing all terms in kb, and forces the new TreeSet to sort according to each term's presentation name.
resortTPTPData(HashMap) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.DB
Reorganize statistics in a summary form for TPTP test run data
resumeEncoding() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.Base64.OutputStream
Resumes encoding of the stream.
REswitch(String) - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.KB
REswitch determines if a String is a RegEx or not based on its use of RE metacharacters.
retainByPattern(List, String) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.SetUtil
Filters the List of Strings seq, retaining only items that match the regular expression pattern regex.
returnSkolemStmt(String, ArrayList<ProofStep>) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.ProofProcessor
Looks for skolem function from proofsteps if query is not given.
reverseSenseIndex - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.WordNet
A HashMap where the keys are 9 digit POS prefixed WordNet synset byte offsets, and the values are of the form word_POS_sensenum (alpha POS like "VB").
reviews - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
RewriteRuleUtil - Class in com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite
RHS - Class in com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite
RHS() - Constructor for class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.RHS
rhs - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.Rule
rooms - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Hotel
rootList - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.TaxoModel
RowVars - Class in com.articulate.sigma
RowVars() - Constructor for class com.articulate.sigma.RowVars
RP - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
rs - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.Interpreter
Rule - Class in com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite
Rule ::= LHS ==> RHS.
Rule() - Constructor for class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.Rule
Rule.RuleOp - Enum in com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite
rules - Variable in class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.RuleSet
RuleSet - Class in com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite
RuleSet() - Constructor for class com.articulate.sigma.semRewrite.RuleSet
run() - Method in class com.articulate.sigma.CCheck
run(int, float[], int) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlp.KMeans
run(float[][], int) - Static method in class com.articulate.sigma.nlp.KMeansVec
RVAR - Static variable in class com.articulate.sigma.Formula
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